Parrot Time Magazine

The Thinking of Speaking
Issue #10 July / August 2014


220 matches
Language Learning Methods - Software
With the explosion of the computer scene in the past few decades, allowing for people to have computers on their desks, on their laps, and even in their pockets, computer software is now available for just about anything. Naturally, then, there is software...
July / August 2013
Sections - Parleremo YouTube
Sections is a regular column about different parts of Paleremo, explaining their purpose and how to use them. Over the past decade, YouTube has become the most popular place for people to post videos online. This has encouraged people to make their...
July / August 2013
Letter From The Editor - Why Polynesian?
Welcome to our Malayo-Polynesian special issue! Many of you are probably wondering why we are doing this issue which focuses mainly on the languages of this branch of the Austronesian languages. More of you are probably wondering what the languages...
September / October 2013
At the Cinema - Whale Rider
Warning: This review does give away the whole story, but the story is not hard to guess from the title and first 10 minutes of the film. The movie Whale Rider, based upon a book of the same name, focuses on the culture of the Maori people of New Zealand....
September / October 2013
Special Feature - Avoiuli
Language and culture are always intertwined. We gain some knowledge of a culture when we learn its language, and when we learn about a culture, we have to incorporate the language. Sometimes, the two become even more closely linked. That is the case...
September / October 2013
Letter From The Editor - Price of Fame
How many languages can you name? The average person can probably name a handful of languages when asked that question. A person who has an interest in languages could probably name a few dozen. A person _really_ interested in languages might name...
November / December 2013
Pencak Silat
There is a movie I saw a while ago, named "Dragon Crusaders", which, despite its rather sweeping title, was absolutely dreadful. It had a mix of dragons, gargoyles, pirates, zombies and a curse, yet somehow proved to be very poorly done. Perhaps part...
November / December 2013
At the Cinema - Bombay
The 1995 Bollywood movie Bombay is of interest in this review not because of its language or linguistic importance but because of its historical, cultural and religious connections. In some ways, it is a rather typical Indian movie, with a love story...
November / December 2013
Language Learning Methods - Internet
Of all the possible ways to learn a language, the internet seems to be the one with the most varied possibilities. It can mix the elements of other methods, potentially being the second most effective means of language acquistion. I say "second" because...
November / December 2013
Sections - Neighborhood
Sections is a regular column about different parts of Paleremo, explaining their purpose and how to use them. Parleremo is based around the concept of a town for a few reasons. First of all, many times when people are studying a language, they are doing...
November / December 2013
Letter From The Editor - The Highlander Condition
I was listening to a group of language lovers discussing Esperanto in the chat one day. Esperanto is a subject that can easily start a fierce debate among polyglots. There are those that believe it to be a great invention and they will exalt it the...
January / February 2014
When Languages Meet
We live in a world of ever changing borders. For thousands of years, the tribes, villages, cities and nations of the world have moved, expanded and contracted to meet the needs of their citizens, and these constant changes have come at a price. When...
January / February 2014
At the Cinema - Mal Día Para Pescar - Bad Day to Go Fishing
This month, I will be reviewing a Uruguayan film which takes place in South America while starring a Scotsman who plays a descendant of European royalty, a Finnish man playing a German, and an Italian woman playing a South American. Mal Día Para Pescar...
January / February 2014
Language Learning Methods - Immersion
Perhaps the best method for learning a new language is that of immersion. It is generally described as the way we all learn our first language as children. The process is that a person is constantly surrounded by the new language, with people speaking...
January / February 2014
Sections - Links
Sections is a regular column about different parts of Paleremo, explaining their purpose and how to use them. Probably the most common section on any web page is a list of links to other web pages. Most of the time, these will be related to the main...
January / February 2014